Superior Integrated Circuit Assembly Services



Our Services:


Real Time X-Ray FeinFocus FXS160.62

The FXS-160.62 is a universal system for component and material analysis. Some of its applications include the analysis of faulty eutectic die bonding, wire bonding flaws, wire sagging, through-hole plating integrity, and solder joint inspections. Since our FXS160.62 has very high X-ray Energy (up to 160KV) and a very large X-ray chamber, it can be also used for X-ray inspection of large circuit boards.

System Capabilities and Specifications:

Maximum board dimensions: 24" x 24" (610 mm x 610mm)
X-ray Energy: max 160KV
X-ray tube Current: max. 1mA
Focus Resolution: 3 um
9" Tri-Field Image Intensifier
6 axes Robot System